Did you know your liver has over 500 metabolic functions?

Yes, that is A LOT to take care of. As you can imagine, optimal liver function is key to enjoying radiant and vibrant health.

So let’s talk about foods that LOVE your liver!

Beets and carrots are what we would call liver loving foods. Beets build the blood and nourish the liver. Because of their flavonoids they also fight allergies, microbes, inflammation and cancer. They are heating, so Spring is a great time to enjoy them and cleanse the blood before the summer heat kicks in. Late fall and early winter are also ideal times to enjoy beets, as your body works to stay warm in the colder temperatures. 

Carrots are both sweet and bitter, which leads to a cleansing and nourishing of the blood and liver. They also fight cancer. Carrots are a wonderful digestive aid as they cleanse the stomach and intestines. And both beets and carrots are thought to be aphrodisiacs…just sayin.

Easy and delicious Roasted Beet and Carrot Recipe

  1. Peel and chop the raw beet and lightly lather in coconut butter

2. Add olive oil to your raw carrots. Then top with rosemary, high quality salt (Pink Himalayan is my fav), and black pepper.

3. Roast on 375 F until tender and enjoy!

These root veggies go really well with a light grain like quinoa, and some bitter greens like cilantro & parsley.

How are you gonna show your liver some love today?