I have the best memories of summer beach days and cherry seed spitting contests. If we’re being honest, I’m still finding ways to spit the seeds. Who’s with me on this one?

The wonderful news is that in addition to being the most fun fruit to eat in the world, cherries have incredible health benefits and they are now in season, just in time for summer. Can I get a woop woop?!

Cherries are wonderful for digestion and constipation. Generally, red foods are building to the blood and our cherry friends are no exception. They are high in iron and therefore excellent for anemia. Their low glycemic index makes them suitable for diabetics. In fact, they’ll help stabilize blood sugar. How about that?

You know how much I adore liver loving foods, so my absolute favorite part of cherries is their ability to detox your liver and lymphatic system. This will also stabilize your emotional body and help you release anger and frustration. Don’t they just look like happy berries? 

They’re extremely high in antioxidants (think major cancer fighting properties) and beta carotene (think super power vision and glowing skin)! Did I mention they help you burn fat and reduce inflammation? Cherries also produce melatonin, which helps those 💤 and actually slows the aging process.

So basically cherries are like sipping the fountain of youth. I mean, need I say more?

Do I need to twist you arm on this one? Go support your local farmers and then invite me to a cherry seed spitting contest! 🍒